Friday, November 21, 2008

Tea - A Healthy Drink

The story of tea begins over four and a half thousand years ago. According to Chinese mythology, the Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist, was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. A leaf from the tree above dropped into the water and he decided to try the concoction. The pleasant aroma and refreshing taste enchanted him and soon everyone in the realm was drinking tea. Tea soon became renowned for its properties as a healthy, refreshing drink. Its soothing, healing and invigorating effects have been appreciated throughout the world for hundreds of years. Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world exceeded only by water. India is one of the most prolific tea drinking countries, after some south eastern countries like Japan, China.

There seems to be some debate by various lobbies regarding whether tea is good for one's health or does it end up harming us?

When tea harms

It is alleged that tea can actually decrease the amount of iron which is absorbed by the body. People who are habituated to drinking tea after meals, are the worst affected since tea consumed right after meals can indeed lead to the above allegation. Studies done on this hence advice people to avoid tea after meals and say it is not to be used as a digestive.

Like anything that's done in excess, too much tea also has negative effects on one's health. In other words excessive consumption of tea can over stimulate the nervous system, which is a fact. Too much tea can lead to restlessness lack of concentration.

On the same frame the other talked about ill effects of tea seem to be acidity and gas; although this is true but only in cases of strong tea, which is richly brewed and had with milk or lemon. Light green tea does not have this effect

Goodness in a cup of tea

It is truly believed that tea has many beneficial affects like an increase in concentration levels, good memory, alertness and stamina to work. It has the ability to shake us out of our afternoon lethargy! It is essential to remember nevertheless that moderation is in our best interest.
Tea also is very rich in antioxidants that clean the whole system and are responsible for the process of aging or the cholesterol deposits which cause the hardening of the arteries, skin pigmentation and also kidneys becoming weak..

Tea is said to be rich in fluorides which protect the gums and teeth and are also good for one's oral health. Another wonderful benefit is that tea is also a mood elevator.

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