Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Operating with the Truth

Operating with the Truth

When you state the truth, you succeed.

For example, if you exaggerate a customer’s problem to increase your income, you run into problems. The customer can sense the lie, no matter how sincere you act. If you are caught, the penalties are painful.

If you understate the customer’s problem or your fees, you are selling out what you know to be true. You prevent your customer from making the proper decisions. You feel like a wimp.

You must look the customer in the eye, without hesitation, and deal with the truth. The customer can then act accordingly. You did your job even if the person doesn’t like the truth.

When you have the courage to call the truth the truth you become a more powerful force. It is easy to hold a position on an honest fact.

For example, your software adds numbers incorrectly. You call the software technician who looks it over. He says, "the problem is the user; the software is fine." You pull out a calculator and prove the computer’s answer is wrong.

Because you know the truth, you refuse to agree with the technician. No matter how smart the expert is, or how inexperienced the user is, you KNOW the figures do not add up. You have personal integrity.

The same idea applies to your family, spouse and friends. You agree or disagree based on what you know to be true, not on what they want you to believe.


Integrity means you stick to your personal code of conduct. You stick to what you decide is right and wrong.

When you live with integrity, you succeed. You are open and honest. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful.

When you have good integrity you have no reason to lie. You can look at yourself in the mirror. You have nothing to hide.

The Best Code of Conduct for You

So what is right and ethical for you? How do you work out your own code of conduct?

"WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself

"And when you lose that you have lost everything."

"What is personal integrity?

"Personal integrity is knowing what you know—

"What you know is what you know—

"And to have the courage to know and say what you have observed.

"And that is integrity

"And there is no other integrity." — L. Ron Hubbard

No one needs to tell you what is right or wrong. You can see and decide for yourself.

For example, Dave may decide it is perfectly fine to drink wine with dinner. Steve may observe the same issue and decide it is wrong to drink wine. Both individuals made their own decisions. Both are operating with integrity.

Maggie may decide spending money on vacations is a crime while Lisa may decide skipping a vacation is a crime. Both make their own decisions about what is right and wrong.

Like most people, you have probably decided it is wrong to not support your family, abandon a friend, steal from your company, cheat on your marriage, shoplift, abuse drugs and so on.

You probably believe it is good to work hard, be kind to your parents, have fun, pay your bills, tell the truth, return things you borrow and so on.

You know the truth when you see it. You know you are using integrity when you look in a mirror.

When you deceive your partner, you both lose a little. If you lie to your spouse, you lose a little. Whenever you abandon what you know to be true, you lose.

Nothing makes you more miserable than "selling out" and failing to stick to your integrity.

10 Benefits of Living with Integrity

1. When you stick to what you know is right or wrong, you don’t regret anything you have done.

2. People follow your example and act more honestly.

3. Your powers of observation are more accurate. You can see the truth about others more easily.

4. No need to keep your stories straight as your stories are facts. Less mental work is required.

5. You handle rejection and criticism more easily. For example, you are not bothered if someone says, "You charge too much!" As you have no doubt that your fees are fair, you know the other person has the problem.

6. You have fewer personality conflicts with others even when you are aggressive.

7. You fight crimes against you with more ferocity when you have nothing to hide.

8. When you make a mistake, it is easy to accept responsibility and move forward.

9. You earn the reputation as a person with integrity. For example, employees brag about honest bosses. "He might be more honest about your work than you might want to hear, but he’s fair and doesn’t lie."

10. Your odds of being sued, fined or convicted of a crime go way down.

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